Case project (How to sew?)

Here you can see a video and learn how to sew. To sew your case you have to put into practise "punto atrás". 


Here you can see the video and revise the template that we have done in class.

Percpective (project 3ºESO)

Choose between the following options:

  • Draw your name (you decide: one vanishing point or two vanishing points)
  • Draw a city (you decide: one vanishing point or two vanishing points)

Remember at the end of your project you will have to have employed one vanishing point and two vanishing points.


Draw your name using one VP.

Draw your name using two VP.

Draw a city using one VP.

Draw a city using two VP.

Perspective (exercices & project 2º ESO)

Practice 1 // One vanishing point:

Practice 2 // Two vanishing points:


Draw your room with perspective (one vanishing point)

Here you have some exemples:

General Method to draw a regular polygon

How to draw a regular polygon (General Method given the measurement of one side). 
Click on the video.


How to draw a bisector of a segment? Click on the video.

How to dran a bisector of an angle? Click on the video.